The Barking Bandicoot Academy
Secondary education for the critical thinker
The Barking Bandicoot Academy an e-learning channel aimed at home-schooled students studying secondary level education. The content is for students who wish to be challenged, broaden their thinking skills and develop a deeper understanding of higher order concepts.
The ‘academy’ designed by Justin B Graham focuses on Art Theory, Economics and philosophy. Find learning modules on What Is Money?, Logical Fallacies and the art movement of Capitalist Realism amongst other lessons. The channel hosts original material as well as existing reading modules that have been enhanced and expanded upon to create a learning experience. The academy also includes a curated experience of the best that the open web has to offer.

Where to access the courses?
The Barking Bandicoot Academy is available on the open source e-learning platform Kolibri. You will need to install Kolibri, create an account and request a channel token in order to access the private channel. See instructions on how to import the token here.

Tutoring Available
Justin is available for online tutoring, through the use of Big Blue Button, Jitsi Meet or Nextcloud Talk.
In person tutoring is available for those in the Coffs Harbour region of NSW, Australia
(left) Sometimes even adults like to learn! A presentation about Libre Software. Dorrigo, NSW.

Online Tutoring

Who is Barking Bandicoot?
Barking Bandicoot is the pen name of the artist Justin B Graham. He is a specialist in Art Education having received a Bachelor of Art Education at the University Of NSW in which he received many High Distinctions. See academic record here. He has been teaching for 16 years in schools all across Sydney and Melbourne and for the last five years in Northern NSW.